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    Mom Thought She Won’t Live To See Her Kids Turning 5, Celebrates It With ‘Up’ Themed Photo Shoot


    Sometimes, life throws a bunch of lemons at us and it’s only our choice whether to make sweet lemonade out of them or to be left in the sourness life presented us with. It’s always inspiring to see people throw the latter option away in what seems like just a blink of an eye. Of course, one has to keep in mind the decision is never easy but hey, let’s keep our eyes on the result this time, okay? Today’s story may begin with a sad twist but it turns out so beautifully in the end, it just makes us appreciate it even more. This mom feared she wouldn’t get to see her kids grow up to the age of 5 because of a disease she was battling and was so happy and relieved after beating it, she wanted to celebrate the birthdays of her kids in a very special way. Scroll down to see what she came up with!


    After surviving cancer, Rachel Perman decided the best way to celebrate is to create adorable photoshoots for her kids’ birthdays


    “I chose to do magical shoots for my kids’ birthdays this year as all three of my kids share the same birthday week (I did a unicorn session with a horse dressed as a unicorn, you can see those on this page also) because 5 yrs ago, I was diagnosed with cancer right after my twins were born and had fears if I would even get to see their 5th birthday,” Rachel said in an interview with Bored Panda.

    “我选择为我的孩子们的生日做一些神奇的事情,今年我的三个孩子共享相同的生日周(我做了一个与一匹独角兽的会话,你在这个页面也可以看到这些)因为5年前,我被诊断出癌症后我的双胞胎出生,我很担心我甚至等不到他们的5岁生日,雷切尔在接受Bored Panda采访时说。

    There was no doubt about what theme to pick out for 5-year-old Elijah’s shoot


    “My oldest (Mikayla) was 5 at the time and I hated not knowing if I would get the same time with them that I got with her. SO for their 5th birthday, I wanted to celebrate the things they love with photos! It’s a celebration for me and them!”


    As he’s been obsessed with ‘Up’ for probably his whole life


    “The inspiration for the sessions were to celebrate all that my kids love! The twin’s personalities are awesome! Emilee loves all things girly and princessy, so her photo session was a surprise! Elijah is very particular, he is borderline addicted to UP and has been for several years.”


    The photographer mom and her adorable son convinced his great grandparents to join in


    Richard and Caroline Bain who are both 90-years-old gladly accepted the invitation


    They dressed up as Carl and Ellie


    Grandpa Richard even went thrifting to prepare for the shoot!


    More info: Rachel Perman Photography

    图片来源:Rachel Perman Photography

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