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    Animals Who Help Special Needs Children In Ways That We, Humans, Struggle To


    The goats are playing the piano! You may think it’s a joke but it happens in our house. I blame the cat, our fantastical cat called Thula who helped my daughter with autism in ways that we, humans, struggled to and their bond has inspired a movement of special needs parents to see how these animals can heal and teach our children. So we live in harmony with these animals and in turn, they help us with our little charity.


    I created an autism-friendly club, The Little Explorers Activity Club, that offers Animal Assisted Therapy. A safe and understanding environment to have fun and socialize with other families alongside therapy that is very successful with anxiety, autism, ADD, ADHD, depression and many other conditions. It has been seen to lower blood pressure, help concentration, calm anxiety and build confidence. Interacting with animals increases attention spans and has a positive calming effect helping with social interaction.

    我创建了一个对自闭症患者友好的俱乐部——小探险家活动俱乐部(Little Explorers Activity club),它提供动物辅助治疗。在治疗焦虑、自闭症、ADD、ADHD、抑郁症和许多其他病症的同时,为孩子们提供一个安全、理解的环境,让他们在享受乐趣的同时与其他家庭进行社交。它被认为可以降低血压,帮助集中注意力,平息焦虑,建立自信。与动物互动可以增加注意力持续时间,并有积极的镇定作用,有助于社会互动。

    ‘The Goats are playing the piano, G#!’


    Have you ever heard of Goat Agility? Well, Smurf and Murph, our 2 pygmy goats are experts


    Helping to improve communication skills


    Blue, a rescue pony not only turned his life around but is now helping children on the autism spectrum


    Jack, an ex-sports horse who had to retire through injury is now on an exciting journey with these children


    Casper is our old faithful in the herd, young at heart but has so much wisdom to share


    Spending time with him, learning to just be in the moment is a beautiful experience


    Luna and Shadow, our beautiful rabbits, are perfect for those who are sensitive to noise as they are very quiet furry friends


    Their coat is gloriously soft, instant smiles and the calming effect is clear for all to see


    Our gerbills, Jerry & Gonzo, are inquisitive and curious, encouraging the children to interact

    我们的沙鼠, 杰瑞和贡佐,非常好奇,鼓励孩子们进行互动

    With the help of these wonderful animals, we can connect, encourage and inspire


    More info: justgiving.com | thelittleexplorersactivityclub.com | Facebook


      上一篇:我在基辅度过的72个小时 下一篇:为罗马尼亚大力神的废弃温泉浴池筹集资金


