My name is Angela Teng, and I am an accessory designer who works in midtown, New York. I love illustrating comics about things around me that actually happened. After my post ‘22 odd questions I get asked at job interviews’, I started drafting my next post, which is this one.
我叫Angela Teng,是一名配饰设计师,在纽约中城工作。我喜欢为我周围发生的事情画漫画。在我的帖子“22个奇怪的面试问题”之后,我开始起草我的下一个帖子,就是这个。
People take elevators every day and sometimes have conversations in them. Some of them are sad, some are heated and some are funny. I kept the ones I found the most amusing on my iPhone and started drawing them out whenever I got the chance. It’s very curious how in a small space, in such a short amount of time, there’s so much information exchanged and emotions expressed. I only drew what really happened, nothing is made up. I hope you enjoy my post. Thank you.
图片来源:Angela Teng