一家消费者安全组织日前公布了“圣诞节最糟糕的玩具”排行榜,其中包括一把Nerf飞镖枪、散发着冰淇淋味的尼克儿童频道(Nickelodeon)的黏液以及一只塑料的Power Rangers爪。
World Against Toys Causing Harm unveiled its annual list Tuesday at a Boston children’s hospital.
A realistic toy machine gun, a “pogo trick board,” a yeti teddy bear and a pull-along caterpillar toy for infants also made the list.
The Massachusetts nonprofit has been releasing the list for more than 40 years.
It says many of the products present choking, eye and other safety hazards frequently found in poorly designed toys. It also cites the products for having inconsistent and inadequate warnings labels.
The organization says the Nerf Ultra One gun, which is billed as firing soft darts up to 120 feet, shoots the projectiles with enough force to potentially cause eye injuries.
该组织说,Nerf Ultra One枪,被宣传为发射可达120英尺的软飞镖,发射的子弹有足够的力量可能导致眼睛受伤。
It also says the warning label on Flybar’s Pogo Trick Board tells children to wear protection, but the product’s packaging features a child using the device without a wearing a helmet or other protection.
And the association notes that Nickelodeon’s Frozen Treats Slime includes mint chocolate chip, berry smoothie, and snow cone-scented versions of the goo even as it warns the products are made of harmful chemicals and shouldn’t be eaten.
The Toy Association, a toy industry trade group that represents most of the toymakers named on the list, dismissed the annual list as misleading. It suggests parents always purchase toys from reputable stores and online sellers.
代表名单上大多数玩具制造商的玩具行业贸易组织玩具协会(Toy Association)称,这份年度名单具有误导性。它建议父母坚持从信誉好的商店和网上卖家那里购买玩具。
“By law, all toys sold in the United States must meet 100+ rigorous safety tests and standards,” the organization said in a written statement.
“On the other hand, W.A.T.C.H. does not test the toys in its report to check their safety; their allegations appear to be based on their misrepresentation or misunderstanding of the mandatory toy standards.”