A 10-year-old British girl achieved the highest possible score on a Mensa IQ test — beating out even renowned geniuses Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, according to a new report.
Freya Mangotra, of Moseley, a suburb of south Birmingham, took the test back in October at 10-and-a-half years old — the youngest allowed to sit for the exam, The Birmingham Mail reported.
据英国《伯明翰邮报》报道,今年10月,来自伯明翰南部郊区莫斯利的Freya Mangotra在10岁半的时候参加了这项考试,她是最年轻的考生。
Freya earned a 162 score in the Cattell III B test — which examines verbal reasoning, beating out Einstein, who is believed to have had an IQ of 160, and Hawking, with the same score, according to the report.
报告显示,弗雷亚在卡德尔III B测试中获得了162分,击败了智商为160的爱因斯坦和智商相同的霍金。
The result means that Mensa officials consider Freya “a genius,” her proud dad Dr. Kuldeep Kumar, a psychiatrist, told the outlet.
“They said it’s the highest you can get under the age of 18,” he said.
“I don’t want to put too much pressure on her but we knew from an early age, two or three, that she was gifted,” he added. “She grasps things very fast. She can concentrate very quickly and remember things — she only needs to read or do something once to remember. We are blessed.”
Freya is a voracious reader like her father, and mother, Dr. Gulshan Tajuria, who is studying for a Ph.D. in child development. The family once competed to finish reading all seven Harry Potter books.
弗雷娅和她的父亲、母亲古尔山·塔朱里亚(Gulshan Tajuria)一样,都是一个如饥似渴的读者。塔朱里亚正在攻读儿童发展博士学位。这家人曾经竞争读完全部七本《哈利·波特》。
“She beat me,” Kumar told the outlet. “We have to put a limit on her and say at 10 p.m. she has to stop reading. But she doesn’t need lots of sleep, she’s up easily at 6:30 a.m. for school.”