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    Boy swallows AirPod, has to wait for it to ‘pass’


    This too shall pass.


    A Georgia boy was rushed to the emergency room after he swallowed an AirPod he got as a Christmas present, and the debacle is the gift that keeps on giving: The 7-year-old now has to wait for the wireless earbud to “pass.”


    Kiara Stroud said her son accidentally swallowed one of the AirPods when he was “holding it in his mouth by the long part,” telling local Atlanta station WSB-TV 2 that the Bluetooth device is still inside his stomach.

    Kiara Stroud说,她的儿子不小心吞下了一个AirPods,当时他正“把它的大部分叼在嘴里”,她告诉亚特兰大当地的WSB-TV 2电视台,蓝牙设备还在他的肚子里。

    “We actually saw it because it has metal in it, so we could see it in the X-ray and I’m like, ‘This boy really swallowed his AirPod!’ ” Stroud said.



    Stroud shared an X-ray image of the second-grader’s stomach, showing the foreign object plain as day, in a Facebook post. “I can’t make this up. My child, my child. Thanks for all of the prayers. We’re home. No more airpods for this kid,” she wrote.


    The accidental swallowing further mystified a doctor at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egelston, who was unfamiliar with the Apple product, the boy’s mom said.

    男孩的母亲说,这一意外吞咽进一步让亚特兰大埃格尔斯顿儿童保健中心(Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egelston)的一名医生感到困惑,他对苹果产品并不熟悉。

    “She was like, ‘An AirPod? You know, it’s really unique. I never really heard of this,’ and I’m like, ‘Yeah, it’s a wireless headset,’ and she was just amazed,” Stroud said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”


    Stroud added that doctors decided to leave the AirPod in the boy’s stomach and said it would come out naturally.


    However, the boy is feeling nervous that his stomach might start playing tunes.


    “He was like, ‘Mom. I don’t want my phone,’ because he got a phone for Christmas as well, and he’s like, ‘I don’t want to be near my phone. I don’t want it to connect to my phone and start playing music,’ ” she said. “I’m like, ‘Oh my god.’ He’s a crazy kid.”


    Stroud added that she’s going to stick to wired headphones until her son’s a little older.


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