To live a long time, find your passion.
That’s the advice of a doctor in Okinawa, Japan, where a significant number of residents have reached the century-mark and beyond.
One of the most powerful antidotes to old age, Dr. Makoto Suzuki of the Okinawa Research Centre for Longevity Science told the BBC, is to maintain an “ikigai,” a personal driving force and source of passion.
An ikigai can manifest as one’s dedication to a particular hobby, or in the form of grandchildren that an elder cares for.
Known as the “island of immortals,” 100-year-old Okinawan Nobu Higa, a mother of six, told the BBC walking and socializing helped her keep her spark — reminiscent of the local tradition of “moai,” group support between residents which can last for decades.
被称为“仙岛”的100岁的冲之鸟织女Nobu Higa是六个孩子的母亲,她告诉BBC,散步和社交活动帮助她保持活力——让人想起当地的“moai”传统,居民之间的群体支持可以持续几十年。
Other contributing factors to living well past most people’s due date include diet, exercise and mental well-being.
Some areas with the highest concentration of centenarians according to AccuWeather are: Georgia, in the Caucasus; Bama County in Southern China; Hunza, Pakistan; Loma Linda, California; Ikaria, Greece; Sardinia, Italy; and Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica.