In Beijing, red billboards tell people not to shake hands but to join their own hands together in a sign of greeting.
Loudspeakers tell people to make the traditional gong shou gesture (a fist in the opposite palm) to say hello.
France 法国
Newspapers have been filled with advice over how to replace handshaking – a daily formality for the French at work and kissing on the cheek, a regular greeting habit in France even between people who have only just met.
Lifestyle expert Philippe Lichtfus, who has been widely cited in the media, insists that handshakes are a relatively recent development in human history that began in the Middle Ages.
He says simply looking into a person’s eyes can suffice as a greeting.
Australia 澳大利亚
Brad Hazzard, the New South Wales health minister, advised people not to shake hands and instead give each other a pat on the back. “I won’t say don’t kiss” he said, “but you could be exercising a degree of care and caution with whom you choose to kiss.”
Brazil 巴西
The Brazilian health ministry has recommended that citizens not share the metal straws traditionally used to consume the caffeine-rich South American drink mate, also known as chimarrão.
And a kiss – even if it is not on the mouth – is totally advised against.