The Barbie doll has been a favorite toy for young girls since it was first released in 1959. Yet for a long time, the cute toys were predominantly white and skinny.
In recent decades, however, Barbie dolls with different skin colors and clothing for various careers and hobbies were created. This year, kids will have more diverse Barbie dolls to play with. In January, Mattel, the company behind Barbie, released a new series of dolls. They are remarkable because they feature uncommon physical traits and disabilities. They include a doll with vitiligo, a doll with no hair, and a doll with a darker skin tone and a gold prosthetic limb.
The new era of Barbie is a far cry from the milky-colored doll that first appeared in New York City nearly 61 years ago. “As we continue to redefine what it means to be a ‘Barbie’ or look like Barbie, offering a doll with vitiligo in our main doll line allows kids to play out even more stories they see in the world around them,” Mattel wrote on Forbes.
Together with the new dolls, Barbie now includes 176 different dolls in total – both male and female – with nine body types, 35 skin tones and 94 hairstyles, the New York Post noted. It’s hoped that children of all sizes, colors and abilities will see themselves and relate to the popular toy.
《纽约邮报》指出,算上这些新娃娃,如今芭比共推出了176款不同的娃娃 —— 其中有男性也有女性 —— 它们有9种体型,35种肤色,94种发型。这么做是希望拥有各种体型、肤色以及才能的孩子们能和这款热门玩具产生共鸣,从中找到自己的身影。
A curvy black Barbie with an Afro and a Barbie who uses a wheelchair were top sellers for the brand last year, says Mattel. “The doll with a wheelchair is intended to encourage children like me, who have experienced leg loss of any kind,” a girl wrote on Facebook.
“Barbie is continuing the journey to represent global diversity and inclusivity in the fashion doll aisle by showcasing a multi-dimensional view of beauty and fashion,” a spokesperson for Mattel told CBS News.