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    Woman wakes up in body bag after being pronounced dead by doctor


    In a scene straight out of a George Romero zombie movie, a Paraguay mother miraculously sprang back to life in a body bag after being pronounced dead by doctors earlier that day.

    乔治·罗梅罗(George Romero)的僵尸电影的经典一幕出现了,一位巴拉圭母亲在被医生宣布死亡后,奇迹般在尸袋里复活了。

    Gladys Rodríguez de Duarte, who suffers from ovarian cancer, had been admitted to San Fernando Clinic in Coronel Oviedo on Saturday morning after experiencing a severe spike in blood pressure, reports local newspaper ABC Color. A mere two hours later, her treating physician, Dr. Heriberto Vera, mistakenly declared the 46-year-old woman dead of cervical cancer, and handed a death certificate to her husband and daughter.

    据当地报纸《ABC Color》报道,患有卵巢癌的格拉迪斯·罗德里格斯·德·杜阿尔特,于周六上午被送往位于科罗纳尔·奥维耶多的圣费尔南多诊所,此前她的血压曾急剧上升。仅仅两个小时后,她的主治医生埃里贝托·维拉(Heriberto Vera)就错误地宣布这位46岁的妇女死于宫颈癌,并将死亡证明交给了她的丈夫和女儿。


    Undertakers transported what they presumed to be Duarte’s cadaver to Duarte e Hijos funeral home, whereupon they noticed the body moving inside the bag.


    The “resurrected” patient was rushed to intensive care, where she is currently in “delicate but stable” condition, according to ABC Color.

    据ABC Color报道,这位“复活”的病人被紧急送往重症监护室,目前情况“微妙但稳定”。

    Needless to say, Duarte’s premature death declaration didn’t sit well with her enraged family. Her husband, Maximino Duarte Ferreira, has reportedly filed a complaint against the doctor, claiming that medics purposefully announced her passing because they no longer wanted to treat her.

    不用说,杜阿尔特的过早死亡声明让她愤怒的家人很不舒服。据报道,她的丈夫马克西米诺·杜阿尔特·费雷拉(Maximino Duarte Ferreira)已经向这位医生提起了诉讼,声称医护人员故意宣布她去世,因为他们不想再给她治疗了。

    However, doctors deny any foul play. “He tried to revive her, but it was unsuccessful,” said fellow physician Dr. Catalino Fabio, adding that Vera was unable to locate Duarte’s pulse. She speculated that the patient may have suffered from catalepsy, a condition characterized by muscle rigidity and a complete lack of response to outside stimuli, according to Science Direct.

    然而,医生们否认有任何不正当的行为。“他试图救活她,但没有成功,”他的同事卡塔利诺·法比奥(Catalino Fabio)医生说,并补充说,薇拉完全找不到杜阿尔特的脉搏。据《科学导报》报道,她推测这名患者可能患有僵厥,一种以肌肉僵硬和对外界刺激完全没有反应为特征的疾病。

    This isn’t the first time a patient has appeared to rise from the dead. In 2015, Queens medics mistakenly declared a distraught woman deceased after she shot herself in the head — then flabbergasted cops discovered she was still alive and transported her to a hospital, where she eventually succumbed to her injuries.


      上一篇:美国纽约州的居民可以远程结婚了 下一篇:父母的保养之道


