我在年少时曾读过托马斯·卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle)的一句话:“一个人若是找到适合自己的工作,他便是幸福的,请让他别再祈求其他的幸福了。”当时,我觉得这句话过于残酷沉闷,而如今才知道卡莱尔先生是正确的。当你找到世上你能做得最好的事情时,稳定的收入、快乐的人际关系以及平静的心情等所有奇妙的“副产品”都会接踵而来。我相信,除非你找到它,否则你对一切“副产品”的追求也不过是徒劳而已。
I also believe that in the process of searching,no experience is ever wasted,unless we allow ourselves to run out of hope.In my own case,I had 34 different jobs before I found the right one.Many of those jobs were heartbreakingly difficult.A few of them involved working with unscrupulous and horribly unpleasant people.Yet,in looking back,I can see that the most unpleasant ofthose jobs,in many cases,gave me the biggest dividends—the most valuable preparation for my proper life work.
And I have seen this happen in the destinies of hundreds of people.Periods which they thought were hopeless,dark,and of no possible practical value have turned out to be the most priceless experience they ever had.I know a girl who is a famous package designer for American industry.She was just given a promotion for which she competed with six well-qualified designers.Her past,like all of ours,had its good times and its bad times.One of the worst of the bad times was a period when she lost her husband and was left with two small children to support.She took a clerking job in a grocery store because her apartment was on the floor above it and between customers she could run up and keep an eye on the babies
Yet the other day when she told me of her promotion to the top package design job,she exclaimed in astonishment,“And do you know that the single factor which swung it in my favor was that I alone had over-the-counter experience with the customers who buy our packaged foods!”
When people talk about the sweet uses of adversity,I think they unduly stress a grim and kind of hopeless resignation,a conviction that,like unpleasant medicine,it’s somehow“good for us.”But I think it’s much more than that.I know that the unhappy periods of our lives offer us concrete and useful plus-values,chief among them a heightened understanding and compassion for others.We may not see it at the time,we may consider the experience entirely wasted,but,as Emerson says,“The years teach much which the days never know.”