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    Let's be real, we all have a special place in our heart for the home (or homes) we grew up in.


    Cue the memory reel of where you learned to ride your first bike or the door frame where your parents tracked your siblings and your heights. But would that nostalgia be enough for you to drop half a million to buy back the house?


    If you're author J.K. Rowling, and your childhood home inspired certain parts of what would become one of the most well-known fiction series to ever exist, it's worth considering.


    As it turns out, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling owns her childhood home, Church Cottage at Tutshill in Chepstow, according to the The Daily Mail. Rowling had quietly swooped up the gothic-style cottage when it went on the market back in 2011 for £400,000 ($499,554.00 USD).

    据《每日邮报》报道,其实《哈利·波特》的作者J·K·罗琳现在是自己童年那栋房子的业主—— 位于切普斯托土茲希爾的教堂小屋。这个哥特式小屋在2011年出售,售价40万英镑(499,554美元),罗琳悄悄把它买下了。




    Now, the secret is out, as this week, Rowling and her husband commissioned major renovation projects for it, after years of no activity. The district council has granted the couple planning permission to install two rear dormer windows and knock down and rebuild the garage.


    But let's talk about that magic that is Church Cottage already. Rowling lived here from ages nine to 18, marking her territory by scrawling "Joanne Rowling slept here, circa 1982" on the wall when she was 17, reports The Daily Mail (they even have a photo!).


    The home includes a cupboard under the stairs (sound familiar?!), which is believed to have been the inspiration for Harry's room at the Dursley family's house.


    There is also a trap door in the cottage's dining room, similar to the one Fluffy guards in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Also, the property is near the Forest of Dean, where a chunk of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows takes place. Rowling also got the name for the Quidditch team Tutshill Tornados from the name of the house's street, according to Insider.

    小屋的餐厅还有一个活板门,和《哈利·波特与魔法石》中路威看守的门很像。而且这个小屋在迪恩森林附近,《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》中很多情节都发生在这里。《Insider》称,罗琳还用小屋所在街道的名字给参加魁地奇比赛的 特兹丘龙卷风队命名。

    Over the years, some wise fans were able to connect the dots leading to the home, often trying to visit it. "For years, every time a book or a film came out, there were always members of the public asking to come in to see the house," Julian Mercer, the home's former owner, told BBC back in 2011. "That's been happening ever since the book came out. But we haven't let them in."

    近些年,有些聪明的粉丝把和这个小屋有联系的点串联起来,想要去小屋参观。小屋的前主人Julian Mercer在2011年对BBC说:“几年来,每次有书出版或者有电影上映时,总会有人要进来看看。自从这本书出版以后,这样的事时有发生。但我们没让他们进来过。”

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