Health care workers are saving lives amid the coronavirus pandemic — and Nike is helping them to just do it.
The brand announced on Monday that it plans to donate 30,000 pairs of its Air Zoom Pulse shoes to health care heroes fighting the COVID-19 outbreak on the front lines. The sneakers will be distributed in hospitals and health care systems in New York City, Chicago, Memphis and Los Angeles, as well as the Veterans Health Administration.
该品牌周一宣布,计划向在前线抗击COVID-19疫情的医疗英雄捐赠3万双Air Zoom Pulse鞋。这些运动鞋将在纽约市、芝加哥、孟菲斯和洛杉矶的医院和医疗系统以及退伍军人健康管理局分发。
Another 2,500 pairs of the kicks will be donated to hospitals in Barcelona, Berlin, London, Milan, Paris and Belgium.
Nike touted the Air Zoom Pulse as the company’s “first shoe designed for the health care athlete, an everyday hero,” in a statement announcing the news. The shoe’s fit, cushioning and traction systems were touted as being designed to keep the foot secure in hospital settings and the shoes themselves were designed with considerations from medical professionals at Oregon Health and Science University and Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, Ore., in mind.
耐克在一份声明中宣布了这一消息,并称赞Air Zoom Puls为该公司的“第一款专为日常英雄、健康运动员设计的鞋”。这双鞋的合脚、缓冲和牵引系统被吹捧为是为了在医院环境中保持脚的安全而设计的,鞋子本身也是考虑到俄勒冈州健康科学大学和俄勒冈州波特兰的多恩贝克儿童医院的医学专业人员的考虑而设计的。
“From one athlete to another, Nike athletes recognize the physical and mental resilience of health care athletes,” the brand said, saluting the critical role of health care heroes in the global fight against the novel coronavirus.
Nike has partnered with the nonprofit Good360 to donate the shoes in the US and local organizations in Europe to distribute the shoes overseas. The shoe donation is part of the brand’s largest pledge to give away over 140,000 pieces of footwear, apparel and equipment globally amid the pandemic.
About 95,000 pairs of soccer socks with “mild compression” will also be given to health care personnel in New York City and Los Angeles through Good360.
The athletic wear giant had previously delivered 1,100 Nike Sportswear kits (including a drawstring bag, heat or headband, socks and water bottle) to health care personnel in the Big Apple. In Europe, Nike has distributed an additional 4,000 pairs of shoes and over 3,500 pieces of Dri-Fit clothing to over a dozen hospitals and shelters.
Nike’s global apparel donation is worth over $5.5 million, the company said.