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    Health Merits Of Drinking Lemon Water


    Lemon has been one of the most delicious ingredients. Known for the capacity of fitting in any dishes and creating dishes as well. Especially lemon water, it brings out the most of lemon's nutritions. We'll walk you through the benefits of this miraculous drink.


    Is Lemon Water Good for Digestion?


    One of the biggest claims about lemon water is that it can aid digestion. Erin,author of Belly Fat Diet for Dummies told Readers Digest, "The citrus flavonoids in lemon aid the acid in the stomach in breaking down food, which may improve overall digestion."


    Drinking lemon with warm water seems to provide the greatest digestive benefits because it helps relax your stomach muscles, but just increasing your general water consumption—with or without lemon, hot or cold—has some major benefits, too. The Centers for Disease Control and Preventionsays drinking water can help regulate your body temp, protect your spinal cord and tissues, and get rid of waste in your body.


    Should You Drink Lemon Water in the Morning?


    Certain factors—like how you breathe while asleep and your bedroom temperature—can influence how much fluid you lose during the night. Whether you mix fresh lemon juice into your water or not, it’s probably a good idea to drink a glass or two first thing in the a.m.


    However, you shouldn’t limit hydrating to only mornings. The National Sleep Foundation makes the following recommendation: “Focus on drinking plenty of non-caffeinated fluids regularly throughout the day. Waiting until bedtime to do your drinking sets you up for multiple nighttime bathroom trips, making it difficult to achieve quality sleep and making it tougher to wake up in the morning. Practice spreading your fluid intake throughout your day to maximize the odds of sleeping soundly at night.”


    Can Drinking Lemon Water Help You Lose Weight?


    It appears that lemon water’s link to weight loss has less to do with the added lemon, and more to do with just drinking enough water. Jodi Stookey, PhD, a nutrition epidemiologist and hydration researcher with the Children's Hospital Oakland Research institute, conducted a study that found drinking at least four glasses of water a day increased weight loss. "Water can actually help promote weight loss in many ways," she says. "By substituting water for sugary beverages or juice, you've removed calories and carbohydrates. Then, if you have enough water, you can start seeing more efficient insulin pathways and an acceleration of fat burning."

    柠檬水与减肥的关系似乎和添加的柠檬没有太大关系,更多的是和喝足够的水有关。儿童医院奥克兰研究所的营养流行病学家和水合研究员Jodi Stookey博士进行了一项研究,发现每天至少喝四杯水有助于减肥。她说:“实际上,水可以在很多方面帮助减肥。”用水代替含糖饮料或果汁,你就减少了卡路里和碳水化合物。然后,如果你有足够的水,你可以开始看到更有效的胰岛素途径和加速脂肪燃烧。”

    There’s another unexpected way that drinking lemon water may aid in your weight loss efforts. One little lemon wedge packs 6% of your recommended daily value of vitamin C, which one study showed may help prevent obesity. Another rodent study examined the benefits of lemon polyphenols—which act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents—and found they helped combat weight gain in obese mice.


      上一篇:起床后不应该喝什么饮料? 下一篇:4个坏习惯使你的健康水平迅速下降


