Artist Phil Wall, aka Never Stay Dead, has been working on a series that's very close to them. To educate both themselves and their followers, Never Stay Dead has been illustrating disorders and mental illnesses as monsters, following people like shadows everywhere they go.
艺术家Phil Wall,又名Never Stay Dead,正在创作一个与他们非常接近的系列作品。为了教育他们自己和他们的追随者,《永不死》将混乱和精神疾病描绘成怪物,像影子一样跟随人们到任何地方。
From body dysmorphic disorder to post-traumatic stress disorder, Never Stay Dead does an excellent job of portraying just how devastating these conditions can be. It's extremely difficult to imagine what people who suffer from them have to go through every day. That's why works like these are so important -- they teach us empathy.
More info: neverstaydead.co.uk | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter