Archimedes' fourth law says that cats plus the Internet equals comedy squared. It's as simple as that. You capture a kitty -- it doesn't matter if it's skinny, thicc, fluffy or sleepy -- in a humorous scenario, upload the photo to social media, and voila, you're disrupting the status quo of the online world; even the 4chan trolls are taking a break from making up green texts to enjoy an innocent laugh.
Bored Panda has already compiled lists of the best cat posts, but people continue using the aforementioned equation to produce unforgettable kitty content, so we have to continue giving them the attention they deserve. From ruining their human's breakfast to building a tent, these felines are going viral whether you like it or not.
Bored Panda已经列出了最佳猫咪帖子列表,但是人们仍然在使用上述公式来制作令人难忘的猫咪内容,所以我们必须继续给予它们值得的关注。从破坏人类的早餐到搭建帐篷,不管你喜不喜欢,这些关于猫的帖子都在疯狂传播。
图片来源:Denis Tymulis