Prepare to feast your eyes on the crème de la crème of ugly designs that are so cringy that they’re good. The Ugly Design Instagram page has over 572k followers who wait for the newest posts, curated by Swiss founders Jonas Nyffenegger and Sébastien Mathys.
We’ve collected some of the ugliest designs you’ve probably seen all week (and all month, we’re hoping), so scroll down, upvote your fave pics, and let us know in the comments which of these designs left the biggest impression on you.
The founders of the IG account told Bored Panda that they believe they found so much success over the years because of the contrast between their posts and the many pictures on Instagram that are “norm-perfect.”
IG账号的创始人告诉Bored Panda网站说,他们之所以这么多年来大获成功,是因为他们上传的照片和Instagram上那些“完美无瑕”的照片形成了鲜明的对比。
More info: Instagram | Tumblr | Ugly.Design