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    10 Pics Of People Before And After They Were Asked To Smile


    The Dalai Lama said, "A simple smile. That’s the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others." Smiles have the ability to change one's whole day, and not only to the one that's smiling, but also to those who see a smile. It's just a simple expression, and yet it may be the most powerful, as it's the most positive one.


    Jay Weinstein tests this idea in his project "so I asked them to smile" with an extremely diverse group of people, and the answer behind each and every one of his pictures is that a smile changes everything—not only the mood, but even the whole picture. His pictures also show that a smile is unique to every individual and that it's sometimes hard to know how beautiful they look when they smile until they do.













    More info: Instagram | Facebook | soiaskedthemtosmile.com

      上一篇:人们注意到这些instagrammer是假的,于是决定在网上曝光他们 下一篇:艺术家通过面部重建、人工智能和Photoshop展示了罗马皇帝在现实生活中的样子

