This artist named Rudy Willingham from Seattle, USA uses paper cutouts to transform the city around him and make it a little bit happier and brighter. Rudy uses his creativity to see the world from a new angle and make unique artwork.
"You know when you were a kid and you’d look at the clouds and say 'that kind of looks like a dinosaur'? I’m doing the same thing with my art. I’ll look at a light in our building and say, that kind of looks like an alien head. Then I’ll put a paper cutout underneath the light and turn it into a martian. I think it’s that childlike imagination. I've always loved street art that plays with its surroundings," the artist told Bored Panda.
“你知道吗,当你还是个孩子的时候,你会看着云说‘这看起来像恐龙’?”我对我的作品也做同样的事情。我会看着我们大楼里的一盏灯说,那看起来有点像外星人的头。然后我在灯光下面画一张纸,把它变成火星人。我认为这是孩子般的想象。我一直都很喜欢和周围环境玩耍的街头艺术。”这位艺术家告诉Bored Panda网站。
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