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    I Made Dioramas Of Films I Love


    Somehow I've ended up making dioramas—miniature worlds in boxes—for a living. Over the last 15 years, I have made (and sold) several thousand. The scale is a classic model railway—1:87, so figures are less than an inch high.

    不知怎么的,我以制作立体模型——盒子里的微型世界——为生。在过去的15年里,我已经制造(并出售)了几千件。比例是经典的铁路模型- 1:87,所以模型不到一英寸高。

    In addition to the paid work, every year, I make a "labor-of-love" collection. If I get to show them in an exhibition, it's a bonus, but I'm mainly making them for myself.


    "Cinerama," which I ended up exhibiting in Telluride during the 2019 Telluride Film Festival, is a collection of over 25 dioramas of films I love.


    Some highlights in the making of Cinerama: Brad Pitt and Ed Norton getting bloody in Fight Club; kitting out the kids running away in the Moonrise Kingdom; the gravity-defying bamboo-jungle sword fight in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Taika Waititi as Hitler leaping through a Bavarian forest in Jojo Rabbit; painting the whites of Daniel Kaluuya’s eyes in Get Out; and gluing Steve Buscemi’s 3 mm leg into a miniature wood chipper for Fargo.

    电影制作中的一些亮点:布拉德·皮特和艾德·诺顿在《搏击俱乐部》中血淋淋;为在月升王国逃跑的孩子们准备装备;《卧虎藏龙》中挑战地心引力的竹林剑术对决;在《Jojo Rabbit》中,Taika Waititi扮演希特勒穿越巴伐利亚森林;在《逃离》中画丹尼尔·卡卢亚的眼白;将Steve Buscemi的3毫米腿粘到法戈的微型木片上。











    图片来源:Lisa Swerling

    More info: glasscathedrals.com | Instagram

      上一篇:艺术家将她对色彩和刺绣的热爱融入到手工编织的美丽风景中 下一篇:我创作了10幅描绘吉卜力人物的画


