Concerned over destructive wildfires, a heatwave that could spark another blaze and depleted fire resources, California residents can purchase their own fire trucks via Craigslist for protection.
A Sacramento-based company called Vans from Japan is using the online marketplace to sell the fire vehicles to fight fires, which includes a 2013 Peterbilt water truck that sells for $69,000 and can hold 2,500 gallons, NPR reported.
A Type 6 Fire Truck in Napa is being offered at $17,500 and comes fitted with a Hale pump and 200 feet of hard-line hose with a nozzle, SF Gate reported. A 1995 Toyota Hilux fire truck with only 5,000 miles will set buyers back $17,000.
据SF Gate报道,纳帕市的一辆6型消防车售价17500美元,配有一个消防泵和200英尺长的带喷嘴的硬线软管。一辆1995年只行驶了5000英里的丰田Hilux消防车,售价1.7万美元。
Wildfires have become common in California in recent years, destroying whole communities and burning hundreds of thousands of acres.
Soaring temperatures and the building of homes in areas prone to fires have contributed to the lengthy fire season. Some wealthy residents have hired private firefighting crews to defend their property, the newspaper reported.