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    Ukrainian Artist Creates Realistic Flowers Out Of Cold Porcelain


    When you look at these beautiful flower bouquets, it’s hard to believe that these flowers are not real, but made of porcelain. Ukrainian artist Olesya Galushcenko, who lives in Odessa, creates porcelain flowers by hand, carefully sculpting and molding to make them look as realistic as possible.

    当你看到这些漂亮的花束时,很难相信这些花不是真的,而是瓷制的。居住在敖德萨的乌克兰艺术家Olesya Galushcenko手工制作瓷花,精心雕琢和造型,让它们看起来尽可能逼真。

    Surprisingly, Olesya Galushcenko is a hydraulics engineer by her specialty. Seven years ago, during maternity leave, she started creating porcelain flowers as a personal challenge. Olesya Galushcenko was self-taught so she spent hours learning the craft herself using free internet tutorials. However, they only taught her how to get started; the rest she had to figure out herself.

    令人惊讶的是,Olesya Galushcenko是一名专业的液压工程师。七年前,在休产假期间,她开始创作瓷花,作为一种个人挑战。她是自学的,所以她花了好几个小时通过免费的网络教程自学。然而,它们只是教她如何开始;剩下的她得自己弄清楚。

    At first, Galushcenko worked with polymer clay, but soon, she realized that it wasn’t the right material for her as she wanted her works to look more realistic. So she decided to experiment with cold porcelain, which finally met her needs. Now, to achieve almost perfect flower replicas, she makes molds of every little part of the flowers, from the petals to the stamens and pistils, out of toothpaste. Then she creates the frame of the bouquet from wire covered in tape. Finally, everything is carefully coated in porcelain and assembled in beautiful arrangements.













    More info: Instagram | livemaster.ru

      上一篇:我在花园里为松鼠和花栗鼠建了一个小咖啡馆 下一篇:阿塞拜疆艺术家用传统纺织品设计的小地毯


