I have to admit, I have been fascinated with infrared photography since I learned about it almost 10 years ago. This year, I had a plan to take infrared photography up in the sky, so I looked for solutions. While modifying the drone cameras is a straightforward solution, it also would make the drone unusable for anything but infrared photography only. Therefore I looked for the lightest camera and found one which was modified for full-spectrum photography. This meant I could use it for any IR range I want (with a proper filter screwed on the lens) as well as revert it back to normal using a specific filter. I then bought the lightest wide-angle lens on market and my final setup weight was around 370 grams. Luckily, the drone managed to lift the camera without trouble, although the battery life was noticeably shorter.
图片来源:Martynas Charevičius
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