There is no right or wrong way of doing art. Anyone can create anything they like by using whatever form, medium, matter, or canvas that they want. And hence, picking these things is an art of its own. The hero of today's story sought inspiration from nature for his art.
A Japanese artist that goes by the name of "Lito Leaf art" on Instagram has a very specific medium and style of making his art. "Unbe-leaf-able" is the word one finds when trying to describe them. These cutouts which are (obviously) made from leaves are pure quality art.
一位在Instagram上被称为“Lito Leaf art”的日本艺术家有一种非常独特的媒介和艺术风格。当人们试图描述它们时,会发现“无法翻页”这个词。这些(显然)用树叶做成的剪纸是纯质量的艺术。
More info: Instagram | twitter.com