If you've ever dreamed of pulling off Harley Quinn or Sonic The Hedgehog for the next cosplay convention coming to your town, you probably had to postpone the plans after realizing just how freakin' expensive it is.
According to this survey, 70% of cosplayers spend an average of $101-$600 on each costume they make. And if you wanna make it in the big game, you’re not gonna survive on a single outfit. 64% of cosplayers attend three or more fan events a year, according to Eventbrite.
根据一项调查,70%的角色扮演者在他们制作的每件服装上平均花费101- 600美元。如果你想在这场大比赛中获胜,单靠一套服装是不够的。Eventbrite的数据显示,64%的角色扮演者每年参加三次或三次以上的粉丝活动。
But one guy named Anucha “Cha” Saengchart, the internet’s most loved cosplay enthusiast, has been showing everyone you don’t need to starve to get into the cosplay game. The guy from Thailand has been going viral with his “Low-cost Cosplay” alternatives for quite a while now, and he has already gathered a cult following on social media with 5.6 million Facebook followers.
但是一个叫Anucha " Cha " Saengchart的人,互联网上最受欢迎的cosplay爱好者,告诉每个人你不需要饿着肚子才能进入角色扮演游戏。这名来自泰国的小伙子以他的“低成本角色扮演”替代品走红已经有一段时间了,他在社交媒体上已经有了560万粉丝。
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