Commuting to and from work or school is a great opportunity to focus on some of the things we might not find the time for during our busy schedules. Like reading. Since you’re stuck on the subway, you might as well sharpen your mind with some great literature.
However, some of the books that people read on their commute are so interesting and peculiar that others couldn’t help but snap a photo and send them to the Subway Creatures Instagram page. This community has over 2.1 million followers on IG and is dedicated to sharing all the weird things people see on public transit. Scroll on down, upvote your fave New York City subway book covers, and let us know what you like to read on your commute, dear Pandas.
Rick McGuire, the founder of 'Subway Creatures,' told Bored Panda that the subway always has the most interesting and unusual people because commuters are forced into a confined space and have no choice but to deal with each other. "The NYC subway is still one of the most efficient ways of getting around and if you need an audience, this is the perfect place to find one. This can sometimes work out for the best and the worst," he said. Read on for the full interview.
“地铁生物”的创始人里克·麦奎尔告诉Bored Panda网站说,地铁里总是有最有趣、最不寻常的人,因为通勤者被迫呆在一个狭小的空间里,除了相互交流别无选择。“纽约地铁仍然是最有效的出行方式之一,如果你需要观众,这里是找到观众的最佳地点。”这有时会产生最好和最坏的结果,”他说。请继续阅读完整的采访。
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