With the year we’re having, it’s safe to say that a lot of us are expecting 2021 to be far better. However, even if some of us are losing faith in humanity, things aren’t as grim in 2020 as we think. People from all over the world are sharing the times that the results they got exceeded expectations and posting them on the ‘Expectation Vs. Reality’ subreddit.
Scroll down for a wholesome collection that has no place for cynicism and where reality is better (or at least as good) as what’s advertised. Remember to upvote your fave pics. When you’re done scrolling through this list and upvoting your fave pics, check out Bored Panda’s previous post about cake fails from the ‘Expectation Vs. Reality’ subreddit.
往下翻,你会看到一个健康的收藏,里面没有愤世嫉俗的地方,而且现实比宣传的更好(或者至少一样好)。记得给你最喜欢的照片投上一票。当你浏览完这个列表并为你最喜欢的照片投票时,看看Bored Panda在reddit“期望vs现实”版块上发表的关于蛋糕失败的文章。
Bored Panda reached out to Reddit user Zarishka, whose photos of the Doctor Who cupcakes she ordered went viral on the subreddit. According to the redditor, the cupcakes were baked by Alena who lives in Nur-Sultan, in Kazakhstan. “She bakes cupcakes, cakes and cake pops! And can decorate them in any theme the customer wants. Recently she’s been making really cool Halloween themed cupcakes and pops.” Scroll down for the rest of our delicious interview with Zarishka.
Bored Panda联系了Reddit用户Zarishka,她点的《神秘博士》纸杯蛋糕的照片在Reddit上疯传。据这位reddit用户说,这些纸杯蛋糕是由住在哈萨克斯坦努尔苏丹的阿丽娜烘焙的。“她烤纸杯蛋糕、普通蛋糕和棒棒糖蛋糕!”并且可以根据客户的需求将其装饰成任何主题。最近她做了非常酷的万圣节主题纸杯蛋糕和流行音乐。下面是我们对Zarishka的精彩采访。
图片来源:Akvile Petraityte