Beauty is subjective, beauty is in the eye of the beholder—most of us were taught to never judge a book by its cover. Or, more simply put, to not be superficial. However, scientists argue that aesthetic appreciation of beauty is hard-wired into our brains—we can't escape it. Subconsciously or consciously, we all like to look at beautiful creatures, be it an animal, or a building.
Therefore, some people that are more leaning towards traditional architecture are worried that the notion of beauty in buildings is fading away. As cities all over the world are experiencing globalization, the newly designed buildings can sometimes look awfully alike, even if they were built thousands of miles apart. We're all familiar with the glass boxes in the prestigious areas of cities, that, according to some, are lacking that certain kind of charm, or je ne sais quoi, that makes them unique in their own way. But before we get all judgy, we want to let you decide what you think of these building renovations. Bored Panda has made you a list of before and after pictures of some buildings around the world that were renovated in a way that didn't sit right with some people. Do they look good to you? Scroll down below to see them all and tell us your opinion!
因此,一些更倾向于传统建筑的人担心建筑的美感正在消失。随着世界各地的城市都在经历全球化,新设计的建筑有时看起来非常相似,即使它们相隔数千英里。我们都很熟悉城市著名地区的玻璃盒子,根据一些人的说法,它们缺乏某种魅力,或者说是难以形容,这使它们以自己的独特方式存在着。但在我们对此评头论足之前,我们想让你决定你对这些建筑翻新的看法。Bored Panda网站为你列出了世界上一些建筑翻新前后的照片,这些建筑的翻新方式有些人并不喜欢。你觉得他们好看吗?往下翻,看看它们,并告诉我们你的意见!
图片来源:Neringa Utaraitė