There’s a lot of ways to win at life and we can safely say that Phil Heckels, a dad from Worthing in England, has taken the cake when it comes to art. The artist goes by the alias Hercule Van Wolfwinkle and (at the time of writing) has raised a whopping 13.6k pounds (nearly 18k dollars) for a homeless charity, Turning Tides, by drawing ‘crappy’ portraits of people’s pets.
在生活中取胜的方法有很多,我们可以有把握地说,菲尔·赫克鲁,一位来自英国沃恩的父亲,在艺术方面是最成功的。这位艺术家化名Hercule Van Wolfwinkle,在写这篇文章时,已经为一家名为Turning Tides的无家可归者慈善机构筹得惊人的13.6万英镑(约合1.8万美元),他所画的宠物都很“烂”。
Hercule, 38, doesn’t hide the fact that he isn’t an artist and had never really drawn in his life before. However, one day, he was making some ‘thank you’ cards with his 6-year-old when he drew a couple of doodles and uploaded them on Facebook. His friends thought the portraits were brilliant and asked Hercule to draw their pets. And that’s when the ball started rolling. Scroll down, upvote your fave ‘lousy’ pet drawings, and let us know which portraits you loved the most. If you want to help support Hercule’s local charity, consider making a donation. And when you’re done enjoying this list, check out Hercule’s original post on Bored Panda right here.
赫克鲁现年38岁,他毫不掩饰自己不是艺术家的事实,此前也从未真正从事过绘画。然而,有一天,他和6岁的儿子在制作感谢卡的时候,他画了一些涂鸦并上传到了Facebook上。他的朋友们认为这些肖像画得很好,于是请赫克鲁为他们的宠物作画。就在那时,球开始滚动。往下翻,给你最喜欢的“糟糕”宠物画投上一票,让我们知道你最喜欢哪幅画。如果你想帮助支持赫克鲁当地的慈善机构,可以考虑捐款。当你享受完这个列表,看看赫克鲁在Bored Panda上的原贴。
"We, at Turning Tides, are absolutely thrilled by the amazing talent, energy, and enthusiasm Phil (aka Hercule Van Wolfwinkle) has poured into his Pet Portraits. Phil and all his avid supporters have not only raised a staggering £10,000+ in just a month, in support of our charity; he has also increased awareness of the rising numbers of homeless men and women in our community," Ruth Poyner, Head of Fundraising and Communications at Turning Tides, told Bored Panda. Read on for our full interview with Poyner.
“在Turning Tides,我们绝对为菲尔(又名赫克鲁·范·沃尔夫温克尔)在宠物照片中表现出的惊人才华、活力和热情而激动不已。”菲尔和他热心的支持者们不仅在一个月内为我们的慈善事业筹集了一万多英镑的善款;他还提高了人们对我们社区中无家可归的男女人数不断增加的关注。”Turning Tides的筹款和传播负责人露丝•波纳告诉Bored Panda网站。继续阅读我们对Poyner的完整采访。
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