Panoramic photography has never been the easiest form of photography to master. Even in this day and age. Though if one manages to do so, they gain the means to create truly breathtaking masterpieces and to capture our everyday world in ways that are totally unique. Every year, the unbelievably talented participants of The EPSON International Pano Awards prove it beyond perfectly. The EPSON International Pano Awards is a contest dedicated "to the craft and art" of panoramic photography and it's the world's largest competition devoted to this genre of photography. This year, the organizers of the contest received 5,859 entries from 1,452 photographers in 96 countries. With that being said, Bored Panda invites you to take a look at some of the most spectacular shots from the 11th EPSON International Panoramic Photography Awards.
全景摄影从来都不是最容易掌握的摄影形式。即使在今天这个时代。然而,如果一个人能做到这一点,他们就能创造出真正令人惊叹的杰作,并以完全独特的方式捕捉我们的日常世界。每一年,爱普生国际帕诺奖令人难以置信的天才参与者证明了这一点。爱普生国际帕诺摄影奖是一个致力于全景摄影的“工艺和艺术”的比赛,是世界上致力于这一摄影类型的最大的比赛。今年,大赛的组织者收到了来自96个国家的1452名摄影师的5859份参赛作品。话虽如此,Bored Panda邀请您来欣赏第11届爱普生国际全景摄影奖的一些最壮观的照片。
More info: thepanoawards.com