If you think that Halloween’s only for humans, you might just be mistaken. It looks like it’s not just us who sometimes enjoy dressing up as spooky and spoopy characters, going trick-or-treating, and impressing the neighbors with fabulous costumes. Some of our pets seem to love wearing their Halloween costumes, too, and their owners can’t help but share photos of them online!
And the costumes are pretty impressive. Bored Panda’s bringing you some of the cutest and magnificent Halloween costumes for you to enjoy. So scroll down, upvote your fave scarily ‘awwwesome’ photos, and let us know which ones were the best of the best for you. Do you have any pet Halloween pics to share? Post them in the comment section below, dear Pandas.
而且,服装也很令人印象深刻。Bored Panda为您带来了最可爱、最华丽的万圣节服装供您欣赏。所以,往下翻,给你最喜欢的“awwwesome”照片投上一票,让我们知道哪些是最适合你的。你有任何宠物的万圣节照片分享吗?亲爱的读者们,请把它们贴在下面的评论区吧。
While the pets featured in this list seem to be having loads of fun in their neat little costumes, keep in mind that it’s far from every animal that enjoys this. There's another side to the story. Bored Panda reached out to PETA UK for a comment regarding dressing animals up for Halloween. As an organization, PETA encourages people not to dress their animal companions in costumes. Read on to hear what PETA UK's Director Elisa Allen had to say about owners putting their pets in costumes.
虽然上榜的宠物们穿着整洁的小戏服看起来很开心,但要记住,并不是所有的动物都喜欢这样。故事还有另一面。Bored Panda网站联系了英国善待动物组织(PETA UK),询问了他们对万圣节装扮动物的看法。作为一个组织,善待动物组织鼓励人们不要给他们的动物同伴穿上戏服。继续往下读,听听英国善待动物组织(PETA UK)负责人艾丽莎·艾伦是怎么看待宠物主人让宠物穿上戏服的。
图片来源:Viktorija Gabulaitė