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    Self-Taught Baker Creates Pies So Stunning, They Would Fit Any Thanksgiving Table


    Self-taught baker Helen Nugent calls herself a "messy kitchen maker". Her pies, however, are anything but! It doesn't matter what angle you choose to look at them; everything from the pristine filling to the carefully designed crust looks absolutely gorgeous, just begging to climb into your mouth.


    "I have baked as a hobby most of my life," Nugent told Bored Panda. "My mother was, and still is, an excellent baker so all the credit for any skill I possess goes to her. My career has been in corporate communications and I never thought about following baking as a career path. At the same time, I was feeling very burnt out with my career and looking for a new direction."

    纽金特对Bored Panda网站说:“烘焙一直是我的爱好。我母亲过去是,现在仍然是一个出色的面包师,所以我所有的技能都归功于她。我的职业是企业公关,我从来没有想过把烘焙作为一种职业。与此同时,我觉得自己的事业已经非常疲惫,正在寻找新的方向。”

    In her spare time, Helen started obsessing over decorative pies she saw on Pinterest and started figuring out how to make them. She kept at it and eventually got so good, she began to develop her own style. "That led to doing work for Food Network which led to a book offer which led to a new career! I know social media gets a bad rap but sometimes great things can come from it. I'm living proof of that."


    Now, Helen shares her recipes and baking secrets via Instagram, her blog, and the book offer she mentioned has already materialized, too. It's called Pie Style and it has plenty of easy-to-follow instructions to allow anyone to bake their own savory and sweet tarts in the comfort of their own home. With the pandemic outside and Thanksgiving just around the corner, it sounds like the right time to pick up the rolling pin, right?

    现在,海伦通过Instagram和博客分享了她的食谱和烘焙秘方,她提到的书也已经成为现实。它叫做Pie Style,里面有很多简单易懂的操作说明,让每个人都可以在自己家里自己烘焙美味的和甜的馅饼。现在流感大流行在即,感恩节即将来临,这听起来像是拿起擀面杖的正确时机,对吗?











    图片来源:Helen Nugent

    More info: pieeyedgirl.com | Instagram | Facebook

      上一篇:艺术家创作关于健康,无毒的亲密关系的漫画 下一篇:我的猫和马是最好的朋友


