It doesn't matter if you cook every day, or just every once in a while—food safety is something that can't be overlooked. Moreover, it's not something we usually talk about. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that many people still believe the myth of the 5-second rule. While some of the facts in this list may serve as a reminder, we hope you can learn something new, too. Scroll down below to see the short list Bored Panda made you and vote for the facts you liked the most, or didn't know yet! Also, in the comments down below, feel free to share your insights, tips, and tricks on food safety!
无论你是每天做饭,还是偶尔做饭,食品安全都是不容忽视的。而且,这不是我们通常谈论的事情。因此,很多人仍然相信5秒定律的神话也就不足为奇了。虽然这个列表中的一些事实可以作为一个提醒,我们希望你也能学到一些新的东西。往下翻,看看Bored Panda为你制作的简短列表,为你最喜欢或还不知道的事实投票吧!在下面的评论中,请随意分享你对食品安全的见解、建议和技巧!
#1 Double-dipping can spread bacteria and viruses
#2 Chocolate with white or grayish film is fine to eat
#3 The 5-second rule is a myth
#4 Refrigerated leftovers must be tossed out in 3 to 4 days
冷藏剩菜必须在3 - 4天内倒掉
#5 Titanium dioxide that's found in icing has been linked to inflammatory bowel diseases
#6 It's recommended to keep butter in the fridge
#7 The best way to know if the milk is still good is to smell it
#8 A funky taste in water doesn't mean you can't drink it
#9 It's not recommended to rinse meat
#10 Chopping boards are up to 200 times dirtier than a toilet seat
图片来源:Neringa Utaraitė