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    Funny Illustrations Of Cats And Dogs After They Were Captured With The Time Warp Scan Filter, Drawn By An Artist On TikTok


    TikTok is not only famous for dance videos and being mainly dominated by Generation Z kids, but it's also known for having a lot of interesting filters for photos and videos to choose from. If you're a frequent guest of the TikTok world, you've probably already noticed that for some time now, creators there have been quite into the Time Warp Scan filter.

    TikTok不仅因为舞蹈视频而出名,主要受Z一代(Generation Z kids)的欢迎,而且它有很多有趣的照片和视频过滤器可供选择。如果你是TikTok世界的常客,你可能已经注意到,TikTok的创造者对时间扭曲扫描过滤器非常感兴趣,这已经有一段时间了。

    In case you don't know, the Time Warp Scan filter works by freezing the image on the screen as a blue line moves down, or across the screen. In other words, it sort of works like a virtual scanner. Needless to say, this filter has brought a lot of interesting, cool, and hilarious shots to the face of the internet. For instance - animal pics. Thanks to the Time Warp Scan, we were treated to loads of new meme-worthy cat and dog content.


    But here's where it gets even cooler. A talented TikTok user called kittishdraws decided to take a few of these squishy animal pics created using the Time Wrap Scan and draw them. Spoiler alert—the results turned out to be absolutely brilliant. With that being said, Bored Panda invites you to look through these adorably hilarious sketches of pets that were brought to life by the Time Warp Scan.

    但这里更酷了。一位名叫kittishdraw的天才TikTok用户决定拍几张用Time Wrap扫描制作的黏糊糊的动物图片,然后画出来。剧透警告——结果证明是绝对精彩的。说到这里,Bored Panda邀请你来看看这些可爱又搞笑的宠物素描,它们是通过时空扭曲扫描赋予生命的。












    More info: tiktok.com | Instagram | Facebook

      上一篇:分享你画过的最好的画 下一篇:珍稀濒危鸟类的肖像,看起来简直令人惊叹


