Galina Bugaevskaya from Moscow loves cats so much, she sees them everywhere. And she can show them to us. Galina photoshops cat faces on pretty much everything from fish and hedgehogs to snails and penguins. Sometimes inanimate objects, too. If you want, you can even message her and negotiate a "mix" of your pet as well.
来自莫斯科的加林娜 Bugaevskaya非常喜欢猫,她在任何地方都能看到它们。她可以给我们看看。加林娜几乎把所有的动物脸都拍成猫的照片,从鱼、刺猬到蜗牛和企鹅。有时也会是无生命的物体。如果你愿意,你甚至可以给她发个信息,和她商量一下你养的“混合”宠物。
The series, appropriately titled Koty Vezde (Cats Everywhere), has become quite a sensation on the Internet. The first time Bored Panda wrote about it, Koty Vezde was just starting out. At the time of our second publication, it had about 50,000 followers. Now, that number is approaching another significant milestone — 150,000.
这个系列被恰如其分地命名为Koty Vezde(猫无处不在),在网上引起了轰动。Bored Panda网站第一次报道此事时,科蒂·维兹才刚刚起步。在我们第二次出版时,它有大约5万名追随者。现在,这个数字正在接近另一个重要的里程碑——15万。
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More info: Instagram