I think it’s safe to say that every one of us has a live that’s full of interesting, dramatic, and, of course, comic stories. Sure, picking up a book and reliving somebody else’s stories is not a bad thing to do, but sometimes we do forget that our own lives are just as exciting and funny as the ones we read about in books or watch on TV.
Meet Ekaterina Bogdanova, a Russian artist who decided to share hilarious moments from her life in web-comic form and many seem to relate to the situations and predicaments she gets herself into.
Bored Panda gathered some of the best comics by Ekaterina and made a list for you to enjoy. We’ve also got an exclusive interview from Ekaterina, which you can find below. And while you’re down there, why not vote and comment on the comics that you’ve enjoyed the most or the one you find most relatable!
Bored Panda收集了一些叶卡捷琳娜最优秀的漫画,并列出了一张供你欣赏的清单。我们还得到了叶卡捷琳娜的独家采访,你可以在下面找到。当你在那里的时候,为什么不投票和评论一下你最喜欢的或你觉得最相关的漫画呢!
图片来源:Ekaterina Bogdanova