It doesn’t come as a surprise that we and our parents at our age are light-years apart. When it comes to our lifestyles, choices, and values, it seems like we were born on different planets. But there’s only one way to find out what exactly was so different for them than it is for us now, and it’s looking at hard evidence, aka photo albums.
With so much free time on our hands during this festive season in quarantine, the chances are you'll stumble upon one or two great pics that will bring out a blast from the past. And people on Twitter are all in for the "My Parents Vs. Me" challenge, posting snaps of family members where age is the only parallel you’ll find.
We have selected some of the cutest, funniest, and most illuminating posts that show how generations have changed. And after you’re done, don’t forget to check out Bored Panda’s previous post with "Me Vs. My Parents" memes that put a comical spin on these generational differences.
我们挑选了一些最可爱、最有趣、最具启发性的帖子,展示了几代人是如何改变的。看完之后,别忘了看看Bored Panda网站上发布的“我Vs.我父母”表情包,它把代际差异搞得滑稽可笑。
图片来源:Liucija Adomaite