An artist from Kazakhstan named Nora decided to test her drawing skills by making the characters from the TV show Total Drama Island more realistic and human-like. She took the simple and kinda strangely drawn characters from the show and made them look amazing. The artist has a very unique and beautiful art style and does a lot of fanart of popular cartoons, movies, and video games!
一位来自哈萨克斯坦名叫Nora的艺术家决定测试一下自己的绘画技巧,让电视剧《Total Drama Island》中的角色更真实、更接近人类。她从剧中选取了一些简单而又有些怪异的角色,并让他们看起来很神奇。这位艺术家有非常独特和美丽的艺术风格,做了许多流行卡通、电影和视频游戏的粉丝!
Total Drama Island is a cartoon series that started in 2007 in which 20 animated participants competed to win 100,000 dollars. They had to go through all kinds of weird, funny, and very difficult challenges while living together in a not-so-cozy campsite. Every character in the series was based on a stereotype like 'The Sweet Girl,' 'The Geek,' and the 'The Loner.' The show was quite popular and is even currently on Netflix if you want to check it out!
Total Drama Island是一个始于2007年的卡通系列节目,20个动画参与者竞争赢得10万美元。当他们一起生活在一个不太舒适的露营地时,他们不得不经历各种奇怪的,有趣的,非常困难的挑战。剧中的每个角色都是基于“甜美的女孩”、“极客”和“孤独者”之类的刻板印象。这部剧非常受欢迎,如果你想看的话,现在甚至可以在Netflix上观看!
More info: Instagram