We are used to tossing the snow around and building giant snowmen out of it. But let's switch things up—let's take a second and admire it. After all, there are only so many white days in a year. Assuming you aren't living too far from the equator and too high above sea level, of course.
Bored Panda compiled a list of (oddly) satisfying photos to show you that snow and ice can soothe your soul more than you ever thought, so continue scrolling and let your problems drift away into the vast, cold distance until you forget them completely. At least for a few minutes.
Bored Panda网站整理了一组(奇怪的)令人满意的照片,告诉你,冰雪比你想象的更能抚慰你的灵魂,所以继续翻阅吧,让你的问题漂流到茫茫寒冷的远方,直到你完全忘记它们。哪怕只有几分钟。
图片来源:Viktorija Gabulaitė