Ah, to be a teenager again. We didn’t know what the fudge we were doing back then when it came to our clothes and our hairstyles. We were constantly moody, anxious, and looking for our ‘real selves’ (some of us never stopped searching). We were given a blank cheque to be as edgy and ‘unique’ as we liked… but our fashion sense really does come back to haunt us sometimes!
People are posting the funniest photos from people’s awkward childhoods on the aptly named ‘Blunder Years’ subreddit. The online group proves that we all go through some major ups and downs, twists, and loop-de-loops when it comes to our fashion identities. Sometimes, it really is just a phase, but the photos are here to stay. Remember to upvote your fave pictures as you’re scrolling down. Share these with your friends to get a giggle out of them. Oh, and you can find Bored Panda’s earlier posts about the hilariously brilliant r/blunderyears community right over here.
人们在reddit的一个名为“失策岁月”的版块上晒出了自己尴尬童年的搞笑照片。网络团队证明了,我们的时尚身份都会经历一些重大的起起落落、波折和循环。有时候,它真的只是一个阶段,但照片却在这里停留。当你向下滚动时,记得给你最喜欢的照片投票。把这些分享给你的朋友,让他们笑一笑。哦,你可以在这里找到Bored Panda早前发布的关于有趣的r/blunderyears社区的帖子。
We wanted to learn more about why teenagers want to be independent and stand out from the crowd, how not to be overwhelmed by peer pressure to follow trends, and how to stop being embarrassed by our old photos, so we reached out to the friendly and talented Lenore Skenazy. She is the president of Let Grow, the nonprofit promoting childhood independence, and the founder of the Free-Range Kids movement and she went in-depth with Bored Panda about all of our blunder years. Read on!
我们想了解更多关于为什么青少年想要独立,想要从人群中脱颖而出,如何不被同龄人的压力所压倒,如何不再为自己的旧照片而感到尴尬,所以我们联系了友好又有才华的Lenore Skenazy。她是促进儿童独立的非营利组织“成长”的总统,也是“自由放养儿童运动”的创始人。继续读下去!
图片来源:Jonas Grinevičius