About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is covered in water, so it is only natural that there is a photography competition dedicated to celebrating 71 percent of the world’s natural splendor.
Yep, the Underwater Photographer Of The Year Contest has just now announced its winners for the year 2021 and the pictures are absolutely breathtaking. The competition celebrates all things underwater, whether it’s oceans, lakes, rivers, or any other pool of water.
First, second, and third place winners as well as a slew of honorable mentions were selected across 14 photographic categories. Renee Capozzola, SJ Alice Bennett, Mark Kirkland, Karim Iliya, and many others were in the 1st place spotlight across the various categories, captivating with their winning photographs.
在14个摄影类别中,第一、第二、第三名获奖者以及一系列荣誉奖被选出。Renee Capozzola, SJ Alice Bennett, Mark Kirkland, Karim Iliya和其他许多人都以获奖照片获得了各奖项的第一名。
Bored Panda has gathered the top winners from each category and compiled a list for you to enjoy. While you’re scrolling through the fascinating winning photographs, go ahead and vote and comment on the ones you enjoyed the most!
Bored Panda网站收集了每个类别的顶级赢家,并编制了一个列表供你欣赏。当你滚动浏览这些迷人的获奖照片时,继续吧,投票并对你最喜欢的照片发表评论!
图片来源:Robertas Lisickis