For nearly 30 years, Alpha Structural, Inc. has developed a powerful reputation as the number one foundation engineering and repair, landslide repair, earthquake, and structural rehabilitation contractor in the Los Angeles area. The company has over 400 years of combined technical experience and all of it is hard-core and down-in-the-trenches, not managed from behind a computer.
近30年来,Alpha Structural, Inc.作为洛杉矶地区首屈一指的基础工程和修复、滑坡修复、地震和结构修复承包商,已经发展了强大的声誉。该公司拥有超过400年的综合技术经验,所有这些都是硬核和底层的,而不是在计算机背后进行管理。
Alpha Structural, Inc. also shares photos from its engineers' day-to-day work, including all the funniest, most bizarre, and downright dangerous things they discover. But recently they've unearthed more surprising treasures, so we put together a new piece on them.
Alpha Structural, Inc.也分享了它的工程师们日常工作的照片,包括他们发现的所有最有趣的、最奇怪的和绝对危险的东西。但最近他们发现了更多令人惊讶的宝藏,所以我们把它们放在了一起。
More info: AlphaStructural.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter