A pound isn’t equal to every other pound and a kilogram isn’t the same as every other kilogram. Sounds counter-intuitive, doesn’t it? Not quite. People that are the same weight might not be the same size. There’s a huge difference between your body if it’s made up of lots of fat and few muscles and one that’s well-toned, fit, and has less fat.
It’s the story behind the numbers that’s important, not just the numbers themselves. Bored Panda has collected some of the most inspirational and motivational transformations where people post photos of themselves where they weigh the exact same amount, but their bodies look very different. Now if you’ll excuse us, while you’re busy scrolling down and upvoting your fave pics, we’ll be doing squats and lunges because we’re all fired up and need to redistribute our extra quarantine weight, stat! You’ll find our earlier posts about how it’s your lifestyle, not just how much you weigh that matters right here and over here.
重要的是数字背后的故事,而不仅仅是数字本身。Bored Panda网站收集了一些最鼓舞人心的变化,人们上传了自己的照片,照片中他们的体重完全相同,但他们的身体看起来非常不同。现在,如果你不介意的话,在你忙着往下翻,给你最喜欢的照片投票的时候,我们要做下蹲和弓步,因为我们都很兴奋需要重新分配额外的隔离体重,走!你会发现我们早期的文章是关于你的生活方式,而不仅仅是你的体重有多重要。
Bored Panda wanted to learn more about body composition, weight, fitness, and learning to love our bodies, so we reached out to Paulius Lipskis, a certified personal trainer and physiotherapist, as well as the founder of the 'Mes Geresni' ('We're Better') Facebook page that promotes living a healthy lifestyle. Read on for his insights, dear Pandas!
无聊的熊猫网站想要了解更多关于身体成分,体重,健身,和学习去爱我们的身体,所以我们找到Paulius lipski,经过认证的私人教练和理疗师,以及“Mes Geresni”的创始人(我们更好)的Facebook页面,促进一个健康的生活方式。亲爱的熊猫们,继续阅读他的见解吧!
图片来源:Akvile Petraityte