If you've ever lived in a rented apartment, you know the drill. Mold is sneaking out from the corner of your bedroom? Call the landlord. Your only hot water source for the past week has been a kettle? Call the proprietor. But often, it sounds easier said than done.
Not only are landladies and landlords notorious offenders in not picking up the phone when you need them the most, they are also sometimes known for “look at all these property problems, I don’t give a damn.” Spoilers: zero damns given.
So no wonder many tenants are taking photo evidence as their last resort in a fight to make their houses somewhat more livable. And the corner of Reddit called LandlordLove [sarcasm detected] documents the most troubling cases of "leeching landlords" in hopes to "abolish the archaic practice of landlording where housing is not considered a right but a privilege to be paid for."
Of course, troublesome tenant and landlord dynamics don’t end there. Sometimes, the former are not innocent either when refusing to pay rent or subletting their couch to some random dude at uni. And although we may never find the truth, we can at least take a glimpse into what it takes.
More examples of how some landlords neglect their tenants can be find in our previous post right here.