Not all art has an apparent purpose in the beginning, but in the end, it turns out to be very relevant. Volker Hermes has been creating a series of "Hidden Portraits" for over 10 years, where he manipulates photos of classical paintings tangled up in head accessories. It seemed like an innocent play of imagination until it became very poignant when the COVID-19 pandemic took place.
并非所有的艺术在一开始都有明显的目的,但最终,它被证明是非常相关的。Volker Hermes已经创造了一系列的“隐藏肖像”超过10年,在那里他操纵的古典绘画照片纠缠在头部配件。这似乎是一种天真无邪的想象,直到COVID-19大流行爆发时,它变得非常尖锐。
Artwork itself is best at explaining itself. The second best option is an artist's explanation. Luckily, we have both options. Here's what Volker told Bored Panda about his project: "first of all, I am an artist, a painter. My photo collages are a reflection on the social meaning and our treatment of old masters. I don't paint them because I think it's no longer contemporary to paint that way, so I decided to do Photoshop interventions."
艺术作品本身最善于解释自己。第二种选择是艺术家的解释。幸运的是,我们有两种选择。以下是沃尔克对Bored Panda关于他的项目的描述:“首先,我是一个艺术家,一个画家。我的照片拼贴是对社会意义和我们对待古代大师的一种反思。我不画它们,因为我认为这样画已经不再是当代艺术了,所以我决定用Photoshop来干预。”
More info: Instagram | volkerhermes.de | Facebook