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    This Online Group Is Dedicated To “Mildly Interesting” Stuff, And Here Are Their Best Posts


    It’s time for (in my humble opinion) one of the best recurring features on Bored Panda—a round-up of the best latest photos from the ‘Mildly Interesting’ subreddit. A community with nearly 18.8 million members, r/mildlyinteresting is a haven for original photos of. We’ve been mildly impressed by how friendly and genuinely creative the community is time and time again. And we hope that you’ve been, too, dear Pandas.

    现在是时候看Bored panda网站上最常见的功能之一了(依我拙见)——reddit上“适度有趣”版块的最佳最新照片汇总。一个拥有近1880万用户的社区,r/微趣是原创照片的天堂,我们一次又一次地对社区的友好和真诚的创造性印象深刻。我们希望你们也是,亲爱的熊猫们。

    Check out their latest top posts below and remember to upvote your fave ones as you’re scrolling down. Oh, and when you’re done, have a look through Bored Panda’s recent posts about the subreddit over here.

    看看下面他们最新的热门帖子,记得在你向下滚动时给你最喜欢的投上一票。哦,当你完成后,看看Bored Panda最近发布的关于reddit子版块的帖子。

    Photographer Dominic Sberna from Ohio shared his perspective on taking quality pictures and composition with Bored Panda. You'll find his insights into the world of photography below. You'll also find our interview with Cowbeller1, one of the moderators curating the 'Mildly Interesting' subreddit, below.

    来自俄亥俄州的摄影师多米尼克·斯伯纳与Bored Panda分享了他对拍摄高质量照片和构图的看法。你会在下面找到他对摄影世界的见解。你还可以在下面找到我们对Cowbeller1的采访,他是reddit“适度有趣”版块的管理员之一。

    #1 The Way My Windscreen Froze


    #2 An Old TV Repurposed Into A Cat Bed For My Cat’s Birthday


    #3 There Is A House Near Me That Looks Like It’s Out Of A Fairytale


    #4 1930’s Parquet Flooring Restored Today!


    #5 Locals In Puerto Rico Painted This Mural. They Made Sure To Include The Dog That Chills There Often.


    #6 The Petals Of This Camellia Flower


    #7 Live Power Line Fell, It Was So Hot That It Melted Through The Sidewalk And Turned The Sand Underneath To Glass


    #8 My Friend's Shoes Look Like They Are Screaming


    #9 My Beer 4-Pack Came With Paperboard Rings, Instead Of Plastic我我的4包啤酒是用纸板做的,而不是塑料做的

    #10 The Way The Snow Melted On My Walkway


    图片来源:Jonas Grinevičius

      上一篇:艺术家创作诙谐、古怪的无生命物体插图,让人产生奇异的共鸣 下一篇:艺术家用钢笔和墨水创作建筑图纸,它们看起来好像被真正的灯光照亮

