A team from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research says blocking a certain genetic receptor in fat cells can raise heat production, thereby increasing fat metabolism. Study authors add that this treatment would avoid targeting a patient’s central nervous system, like other drugs do. Instead, this approach to weight loss focuses on the Y1 receptor in the molecule neuropeptide Y (NPY).
“The Y1 receptor acts as a ‘brake’ for heat generation in the body. In our study, we found that blocking this receptor in fat tissues transformed the ‘energy-storing’ fat into ‘energy-burning’ fat, which switched on heat production and reduced weight gain,” explains co-senior author Dr. Yan-Chuan Shi, leader of the Neuroendocrinology Group at Garvan, in a media release.
“Most of the current medications used to treat obesity target the brain to suppress appetite and can have severe side effects that limit their use. Our study reveals an alternative approach that targets the fat tissues directly, which may potentially be a safer way to prevent and treat obesity.”
Linking the Y1 receptor to obesity
Obesity is a major public health issue around the world. As of 2018, over 40 percent of the adult population in the United States classifies as obese. Nearly one in five children are also obese, according to the same estimates from the CDC. Previous studies have revealed how being overweight or obese can lead to severe health complications, including diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.
肥胖是世界范围内的一个主要公共健康问题。截止到2018年,美国超过40% 的成年人口被归类为肥胖。根据疾病预防控制中心的同样估计,近五分之一的儿童也患有肥胖症。先前的研究已经揭示了超重或肥胖会导致严重的健康并发症,包括糖尿病、心脏病,甚至癌症。
In the new report, Dr. Shi’s group studied the role Y1 receptors play when it comes to fat storage and metabolic health. NPY molecules typically release these receptors when they think the body is starving. This helps to reduce energy usage and increases fat storage.
To their surprise, researchers also discovered Y1 receptors are released in greater numbers in the fat tissue of obese people. After this revelation, the team tried blocking Y1 receptors using the experimental treatment BIBO3304 on obese mice.
“In our study, we found that mice that were administered BIBO3304 and fed a high-fat diet gained about 40% less body weight over seven weeks than mice on a high-fat diet alone. This significant reduction of body weight gain was caused by an increase in body heat generation and reduction in fat mass,” Dr. Shi reports.
“在我们的研究中,我们发现给予 BIBO3304并喂食高脂肪食物的老鼠,在7周内比单独喂食高脂肪食物的老鼠体重减轻了40% 。体重显著减少是由于体内产热量增加和脂肪量减少引起的。“
The team adds one of the key takeaways from this study is the discovery that BIBO3304 does not cross the blood-brain barrier. This means the genetic changes to the Y1 receptors don’t reach the brain and focuses specifically on peripheral tissues.
研究小组补充说,这项研究的一个重要结果是发现 BIBO3304并没有通过血脑屏障。这意味着Y1受体的基因变化不会到达大脑,而是专门集中在外周组织。
In addition to providing a safer weight loss therapy, researchers say targeting the NPY-Y1 receptor system can also stimulate bone cell growth, strengthen cardiovascular function, and improve insulin resistance.
The study appears in the journal Nature Communications.