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    Joan Collins once said ‘age is just a number’ and a new study finds the English actor was right – more than half of Americans feel younger than their actual age.


    A survey conducted among 2,000 Americans reveals 77 percent of those over 40 years old feel seven years young than they really are and nearly half refuse to admit they are aging.

    一项在2000名美国人中进行的调查显示,77% 的40岁以上的人感觉自己比实际年龄要年轻7岁,近一半的人根本就不觉得自己在变老。

    Feeling youthful was not based on the individual’s energy or vibrancy or luster for life, but more than half reported that they still see their ‘younger selves’ in the mirror.


    However, when a person hears a song they know being played on an ‘oldies’ station or squinting at small prints remind them that they are getting up there in age.


    Those who participated noted they try to not admit they are aging in fear others may perceive them as looking older and think they are not as vibrant as they once were.


    And this in turn led to 39 percent stating they will hold off on getting glasses for as long as possible – respondents feel glasses make them look older.

    而这反过来又导致39% 的受访者表示,他们会尽可能地推迟戴眼镜的时间——受访者认为戴眼镜会让他们看起来更老。

    Americans also note that seeing a new celebrity, trouble with seeing in a dimly lit room and not having a TikTok account are all contributors to making them feel old.


    Respondents, however, stated that they do not accept they are aging until they are 47 years old, which falls in line with a previous study released in November 2020.


    And just three years after, at the age of 50, is when worrying about age-related bodily changes begin.


    The study found that 64 percent of respondents are concerned about their thinking abilities, with many nothing they forget people’s names after meeting them and lose their train of thought at least once per day.

    研究发现,64% 的受访者担心自己的思维能力,很多人在跟人见面后,会忘记他们的名字,每天至少会忘记一次自己要干什么。

    Approximately 25 percent reported losing their train of thought at least once per day and 20 percent find it happens multiple times in one day.

    大约25% 的人说他们每天至少会忘记一次,20% 的人说他们一天会忘记好几次。

    However, many are concerned about losing brain power, 84 percent say they are not taking action to improve it.

    然而,更多人担心失去大脑能力,84% 的人说他们没有采取行动来提高大脑能力。

    As an aging brain is people's biggest worries, scientists are working on ways to avoid this problem.


    A team at Northwestern University found zapping older people's brains could sharpen their memories to be as good as those of people decades younger.


    It worked so well the researchers saw no difference in the test results of volunteers who'd had the therapy and younger, healthier adults.


      上一篇:2021环球小姐是她! 下一篇:动物也会笑吗?


