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    When it comes to figuring out the best way to balance strength and cardio in your workout routine, the result will depend on a variety of factors, including your fitness goals, your body type, and your schedule, along with some trial and error mixed in.


    That said, there are definitely places to start, and things to keep in mind, as you experiment with what balance works best for you.


    First, why is it important to balance strength training and cardio anyway? Can't you stay in good shape by doing one or the other? Suppose you don't like running? Or what if the thought of lifting weights lifts your anxiety? Well, according to Whole Life Challenge, just like it's important to have a balanced diet, a balanced fitness routine is also essential for optimal health. Cardio will help you manage your weight, keep your heart strong, and reduce signs of aging, among other benefits. Strength training can promote bone health, help prevent osteoporosis, improve your metabolism, and may also boost your mental health by raising your self-esteem and reducing anxiety and depression.


    According to Verywell Fit, though there is no definitive directive, the general recommendation is typically that you do cardio and strength training during different sessions, or on varying days. So, for example three weekdays might be devoted to cardio, two days to strength training, and one day mixed in for stretching or recovery.

    根据Verywell Fit的调查,虽然没有明确的指示,但一般建议通常是在不同的时段或不同的日子进行有氧运动和力量训练。例如,三个工作日用来做有氧运动,两天做力量训练,一天用来拉伸或恢复。

    But what each day of your workout looks like ultimately depends on your goals. For more muscle, reduce your cardio workout, for more endurance, cut out a day of strength training, Noam Tamir, C.S.C.S., founder and CEO of TS Fitness in New York City, tells SELF. And when you're working on strength, be sure that you are targeting specific muscle groups. You can get to more muscle groups in one shot by performing compound exercises like squats, lunges, and chest presses. ACE-certified trainer Sivan Fagan tells SELF that one to two sets of up to 15 reps is best to start with during your first month. If you decide you're looking to do more cardio, then swap a strength day for an extra day of running or cycling. Just remember to challenge yourself enough to get your heart rate up to get the optimal benefits.

    但是你每天锻炼的内容最终取决于你的目标。纽约市TS Fitness的创始人兼首席执行官诺姆·塔米尔(Noam Tamir)告诉《自我》杂志(SELF),想要更多肌肉,就减少有氧运动,想要更多耐力,就减少一天的力量训练。当做力量训练时,确保你的目标是特定的肌肉群。你可以通过混合练习,比如下蹲、弓步和胸部按压来一次锻炼更多的肌肉群。ace认证的教练Sivan Fagan告诉SELF,在第一个月里,一到两组最多15次的练习是最好的。如果你决定做更多的有氧运动,那么把一天的力量训练换成一天的跑步或骑自行车。只要记住,要挑战自己,提高心率,以获得最佳效果。

    But don't be too concerned about following a routine with alternating days if your schedule doesn't allow for it. The most important thing is that you commit to a well-rounded, consistent workout that works best for your lifestyle and your fitness goals.


      上一篇:你了解耳垢吗 下一篇:背部脂肪怎么办?


