That's because towels are very absorbent and are often left moist or wet after each use, which is the perfect environment for unwanted germs and bacteria to grow and thrive. The longer a towel stays damp, the longer mold, bacteria, and yeast will remain on the towel. These microorganisms can be transferred onto your skin when you dry off after taking a shower or washing your face.
"They can cause an outbreak of toenail fungus, athlete's foot, jock itch and warts, or cause these skin conditions to spread," dermatologist Alok Vij, M.D., told the Cleveland Clinic. "And dirty towels can certainly cause a flare-up of eczema or atopic dermatitis." That's why you should wash your towels after every three uses. This will help prevent unwanted bacteria from growing on your towels in the first place.
“它们可以导致脚趾甲真菌、脚癣、股癣和疣的爆发,或者导致这些皮肤病的传播,”皮肤科医生 Alok Vij 医学博士告诉克利夫兰诊所。“而且脏毛巾肯定会引起湿疹或异位性皮肤炎。”这就是为什么你需要每使用三次就及时清洗毛巾。这将有助于从一开始就防止有害的细菌在毛巾上生长。
However, it's not enough to just wash your towels more frequently. You also have to wash them the right way. That means washing them in a way that will most effectively kill harmful germs and bacteria. The best way to do that is by washing your towels in hot water (via Mindbodygreen). Since E. coli and other fecal bacteria can survive cold water washes, you'll need to wash your towels in hot water in order to properly sanitize them and rid them of any unwanted bacteria.
然而,仅仅更频繁地清洗毛巾是不够的。你还必须用正确的方法清洗它们。这意味着要以最有效的方式清洗,杀死有害的细菌和病菌。最好的方法就是用热水洗毛巾(来自 Mindbodygreen)。由于大肠杆菌和其他粪便细菌可以在冷水洗涤后存活,所以你需要用热水清洗你的毛巾,以便适当地消毒并清除任何有害的细菌。
Another way to effectively sterilize your towels is to add vinegar to your rinse cycle (via Healthline). Washing your towels with both laundry detergent and vinegar can help remove odors and kill any lingering bacteria in the washing machine. It's important to let your towels air dry in between washes before you use them again or throw them in the hamper. This can help preserve a towel's freshness and prevent any further bacteria from growing.
另一种有效的毛巾消毒方法是在漂洗过程中加入醋(通过 Healthline)。用洗衣粉和醋清洗毛巾可以帮助去除异味,杀死洗衣机中残留的细菌。在你再次使用毛巾或者把它们扔进洗衣篮之前,让毛巾自然风干是很重要的。这可以帮助保持毛巾的新鲜度,防止任何进一步的细菌生长。